
The 美国化学学会 Student Affiliates Organization offers opportunities for students to become better acquainted with the chemical sciences. This organization intends to secure the intellectual stimulation that arises from its professional association with the 美国化学学会. Members may obtain experience in preparing and presenting technical material before audiences interested in chemistry and may p艺术icipate in various 社区服务 projects. The chapter strives to instill professional pride in the chemical sciences and promotes an awareness of the responsibilities and challenges of the modern chemist.
The 妇女数学协会——数学俱乐部 holds math-related events for the ASC community and the wider community.
The Pre-Health社会 works to educate people interested in pursuing any field of the healthcare profession. PHS wants to enrich student skills and knowledge regarding the process of following any pre-health track regardless of their major. 这包括学习什么课程, 他们预期职业所需的考试, 以及大学环境之外的整体申请流程和要求. 他们还致力于为任何预科学生创造交流机会. 
兽医预科和动物服务协会致力于 better the care and welfare of animals all over the world and to educate students on the veterinary sciences.
精神神经俱乐部(心理学) & Neuroscience Club) is a place for students interested in Psychology and Neuroscience at Agnes Scott to get to know their classmates, 参加课外学习活动, 与同学建立联系, 校友和专业人士, 一起做志愿者项目,彼此保持联系. 我们举办各种活动,比如电影之夜, 书会谈, 社区服务活动和期末咖啡/甜甜圈休息时间.
正规博彩十大网站排名的公共健康俱乐部努力促进健康教育, 从而努力实现一个更容易获得和更公平的未来, 提倡自我照顾和健康生活方式的重要性, 通过分享我们的创新,统一和创建一个更安全的校园内外斯科特社区 & 了解我们周围的社区, 并提供广泛而有意义的交流机会. 最重要的是, 公共健康俱乐部注重追求学术卓越, 提高社会和政治意识, 社区服务, 创造文化和种族平等, 以及整体的包容性. 公共健康俱乐部欢迎所有人,不论他们的种族, background, 宗教, 性取向, 或者性别分类.

普布利乌斯法律预备协会 exists to empower and equip future Scottie lawyers of all backgrounds and majors. 每个月, the group holds two meetings with the purpose of providing students with the tools and support they need as they prepare to take the LSAT, 在律师事务所找实习机会,申请法学院. 

普普利乌斯是为学生和他们的需求而存在的. They are here to provide a network of students who also want to attend law school and can help guide Scotties toward that goal.

The Sigma Alpha Iota music service fraternity is an organization that promotes interaction among those who share a commitment to music. 伽玛埃塔分会赞助以音乐系学生为特色的非正式和正式独奏会, 它的成员在需要他们的地方担任舞台管理, 引座员和门卫. 除了个人的鼓励和支持, 会员可以在许多领域和各级音乐相关研究中获得奖学金和奖项. Sigma Alpha Iota has long been recognized as a leader in the field of music and provides a lifetime of important connections. 成为会员, you must be enrolled in or have taken at least one music class and have a cumulative grade point average of 2.5.
Scot-Techs aims to increase interest in and awareness of engineering and technology in the Agnes Scott student body through project-based learning, 频繁事件编程, 重点是在一个支持性的社区中培养适用的技能. 它还将作为“苏格兰人在技术”伞的协调机构, which incorporates any national tech-related organizational chapters at Agnes and other specialized groups.


Beta Beta (TriBeta)是一个促进学生在生物学领域学习的社团. 该协会致力于培养对自然科学的知识分子的兴趣. 它通过其刺激学术研究的目标来促进对生物学研究的欣赏, 传播科学知识,促进生物研究. TriBeta欢迎生物学专业的学生和对生物学感兴趣的人成为会员. The Sigma Upsilon Chapter of Beta Beta Beta at 正规博彩十大网站排名学院 has activities throughout the year ranging from social gatherings to scientific meetings.
Beta Kappi Chi是有色人种学生的STEM荣誉社团.
The Constitution of Eta Sigma Phi states that the purposes of the society are “to develop and promote interest in classical study among the students of colleges and universities, 促进对古典研究感兴趣的学生之间建立更紧密的兄弟关系, 包括校际关系, 对古典研究的兴趣:普遍致力于激发对古典研究的兴趣, 在历史上, 艺术, 以及古希腊和古罗马的文学.
砂浆董事会成员是根据他们的杰出成就选出的, 但真正让他们走到一起的是他们对帮助他人的奉献精神. 这个学者团体创造了永久的改变, 无论是在他们的大学校园, 在他们的社区或在全球范围内.

Nu Rho Psi的官方使命和宗旨是:

  1. 鼓励专业兴趣和卓越的奖学金,特别是在神经科学方面.
  2. 奖励那些在学业上取得优异成绩的学生.
  3. 推进神经科学学科发展.
  4. 鼓励学生之间的智力和社会互动, 教师, 以及神经科学及相关领域的专业人士.
  5. 促进神经科学及相关领域的职业发展.
  6. 提高公众对神经科学及其对个人和社会的益处的认识.
  7. 鼓励为社区服务.
O∆K的独特使命是表彰和鼓励大学领导之间的合作. 我们的协会寻求认同, 庆祝, 让来自不同背景的大学和社区领袖参与进来, 视角, 和代. 会员享有奖学金机会, 领导力发展项目, 接入全国网络, 还有更多.
国际经济荣誉学会(Omicron Delta Epsilon)成立于1963年. 艾格尼丝·斯科特(Agnes Scott)的分会Mu of Georgia成立于1993年. Omicron Delta Epsilon strives to recognize scholastic attainment in economics and establish closer ties between students and 教师 in economics. The Agnes Scott chapter meets these objectives by engaging in various activities around campus including an occasional economics discussion over lunch, 社交活动, 当前话题座谈会和实地考察,如联邦储备银行. 
美国最负盛名的学术组织Phi Beta Kappa成立于1776年. 乔治亚州贝塔的艾格尼丝·斯科特分会成立于1926年. Phi Beta Kappa encourages and recognizes outstanding scholarly achievement of undergraduate and graduate students in the liberal 艺术s. 成员的选举是基于一些标准,包括成绩点比率. 每年有一定数量的老年人被考虑成为会员. 本章的选举人是艾格尼丝·斯科特的教员, 是Phi Beta Kappa会员的员工和管理人员.

Phi Sigma Tau的宗旨是:

  1. Serve as a means of awarding distinction to students having high scholarship and personal interest in philosophy.
  2. 促进学生对本领域的研究和深入学习的兴趣.
  3. 为学生发表有价值的研究论文提供机会.
  4. Encourage a professional spirit and friendship among those who have displayed marked ability in this field.
  5. 普及大学大众对哲学的兴趣.
The purpose of the Society is to recognize outstanding scholarship in the French language and Francophone literatures, to increase the knowledge and appreciation of Americans for the cultural contributions of the French-speaking world and to stimulate and to encourage French and francophone cultural activities.
Psi Chi是全国心理学荣誉协会, 成立于1929年,目的是鼓励, 促进和保持卓越的学术成就,促进心理学的发展. Membership is open to students who are making the study of psychology one of their major interests and who meet the minimum qualifications: Psi Chi is a member of the Association of College 荣誉的社会 and is an affiliate of the American Psychological Association (APA) and the American Psychological Society.
To honor those who attain excellence in the study of the Spanish language and in the study of the literature and culture of the Spanish-speaking peoples; to honor those who have made Hispanic contributions to modern culture better known in the English-speaking world; to encourage college and university students to acquire a greater interest in, 以及对…更深的理解, Hispanic culture; and to foster friendly relations and mutual respect between the nations of Hispanic speech and those of English speech.
西格玛τ δ, 国际英语荣誉协会, 于1924年在达科他卫斯理大学成立.